Our Story

Motus was founded in 2020 with the sole intent of increasing one’s quality of life through purposeful movements.


Newton’s first law of physics states: an object in motion remains in motion.

I ask, is this not true with our bodies?

— Shelby Vasa, Founder


It began with a fall.

I was fifteen when I landed on my back. I was sixteen when I was in a back brace with little to no movement from my sacrum to my sternum. I was seventeen when I discovered Pilates and took the back brace off for good.

It is my belief that our pain can be created by stagnation in the body. With this belief in mind, I have devoted my training and career endeavors to be a vessel for healing and a voice for movement. Through my trainings in massage therapy and cupping, I am able to reduce tightness and stagnation while promoting increased blood flow and circulation. Once this process is complete, I then use Pilates to encourage my clients to pursue movement as a preventative method against future stagnation and to prolong the prior benefits of massage.

In December of 2015 I completed a 1000+ hours of training in massage therapy education at Healing Spirits Massage School in Boulder, CO. Also during my time in Boulder, I completed a 950 hour Pilates instructor certification at The Pilates Center in January of 2016. Upon graduation, I worked under chiropractors at The Spine and Injury Clinic in Laramie, WY for over a year practicing Pilates and massage therapy. In 2017 I was fortunate enough to move back to my hometown of Rock Springs, WY where I began work at Huxford Chiropractic Clinic for a period of time while attending Western Wyoming Community College (WWCC).

I spent the later part of 2017 until early 2020 developing a private clientele as a part of Soul Growth. In May of 2019, I graduated from WWCC with my Associates Degree in Exercise Science. I then passed the ACE Personal Trainer Exam in August of 2019, accrediting me to create effective workout plans to assist individuals in achieving their fitness goals.

Going into my ninth year as a Pilates instructor and massage therapist, I can confidently say I am just as passionate about my work now as when I began. Developing my own practice in my hometown has been a truly rewarding experience. I greatly appreciate all the support I have already been given and look forward to serving in this community for many years to come.